Yesterday Jb and I celebrated our own little Christmas. Champagne, thousands of candles, good music, restaurant dinner, opening gifts and then some episodes of West Wing. <3 Today it's work work work among wrapping gifts and sending packages. And if it's possible I would like to sew something to wear on New Year's too. Tomorrow we're going to Sweden!

On Sunday morning we prepared a picnic and went on a mini road trip. I didn't know where we were going, it was a surprise, but after less then two hours we arrived in beautiful Orléans. We spent the day among old cathedrals, beautiful facades, Christmas markets, Jeanne d'Arc statues, bought the last Christmas presents and ended the day with vin chaud and French chocolate pastries.

A short break from the damn coding- I'm drinking coffee and flipping through Julia Pott's amazing drawings.

So.. My new collection is here!
Yesterday I was (or rather was supposed to be) a vintageclothing guide in Paris for two of the three sweet sisters from Minimarket. But we talked a little too much so we had only time to visit two of my ten favorite vintage shops. Instead we told stories, laughed and drank some good wine.

I can see on my friends' Facebook updates that it's snowing in Sweden and although I'm a cold person who doesn't like sub-zero temperatures, I can't help but long for the snow. Took a walk among the autumn leaves and went into one of my favorite stores here in the village. Hallelulia for French decor! Add four, five or six lighting chains, jewelry cake platters and lots of photos and delete the porcelain angels and the zinc hearts and I'm home!

Drinking coffee and editing images, but since my computer gave up a few days ago it's all a bit more difficult (Photoshop in French..) and takes a little longer but soon, soon I'm done!

Had a peaceful and relaxing Sunday- we went on a little Christmas Market, had lunch and then we went home and puttered around and cuddled with the cat.

Took a rainy Saturday walk in my little village. How I love the worn walls, the cobblestones, the typical French shutters and the half-timbered houses!

Yesterday I met up with the sweet and very talented photographer Anna on the Institut suédois for some Swedish pastries. Together we shared our love for Christmas and also some complaining over the French not-so-very-easy banking system.